Moffett Cornelius Stattalonn is a master reeve, given the title Warden of the Cerion Forest. As an accomplished woodsman, tracker, and bowman, he runs the trees with his Vashanti friends, Dehrian, Shaodwen, and Elenstra. Together, they protect the forest from external threats--from wandering miscreants to Roark invasions--and internal threats--roaming dragon-blooded corruptions like the shimmerkin, lupinfell, and--most feared of all in the Cerion--the mangroo.
Moffett spends most of his days living in the Cerion, leading his band of reeves. He is also a member of the freeblading group, The Blade Masters, and has enjoyed intermittent employment on the behest of the Duke of Alikon, Kurtis Lenair. In his younger days, the duke took frequent hunting trips into the Cerion, with Moffe as his guide. Though ten years his elder, the duke enjoyed the company of the warden and often called upon him specifically to accompany the ducal hunting party.
As he grew up, Moffe developed a strong pragmatic approach to life, and an outlook on the mystic prophecy of Seani that bordered on rejection, so strong was his skepticism. When Ordin survived the lightning strike and was proclaimed to be the prophecy's fulfillment, Moffe doubted, but his doubts cracked and began to crumble when Ordin displayed the uncanny ability to channel lightning, even though the results were usually harmful. But when the Sacred Assembly banished Ordin from the forest, Moffe's skepticism renewed. It made no sense that the keepers of the Grove would exile the subject of an ancient text to "find his purpose."
Encountering the Dragonslayers during a brief trip to Westmeade meant nothing to Moffe, even though Ordin was counted among their number. They were just another freeblading group, part of a growing trend. They would flame out quickly as many others had. But when the Dragonslayers trudged through the Cerion several months later, dragging Elric's badly burned body with them--and Ordin was pronounced dead--Moffe knew something was amiss. But when the Sacred Assembly announced that Elric would be raised on Odhasaim to provide the necessary sacrifice for Ordin's return, Moffe highly suspected the Assembly were wrong, filled with ulterior motives. Nevertheless, when confronted by the Assembly's immense power and authority, he served to guide the freeblades to Ordin's burial site and bring back his remains.
Only after spending considerable time with the Dragonslayers, cleansing a monument to Vaeroloth, and witnessing the strength, loyalty, and goodness of Cora's group did Moffe consider that it all might actually be true. Ordin's death was problematic, but the Sacred Assembly powerful. Perhaps he was witnessing the prophecy's fulfillment, and not just witnessing it but participating in it.
Discovering that Ordin was merged into his own blade changed a lot of what Moffe counted as true. He struggles with this reality, but he has come to understand that the Sacred Assembly is no more certain of the prophecy than he is. And that gives him hope.