Book Three: Verdant Horizons
"Verdant Horizons," the third installment of the Dragonslayers Saga, follows the freeblades along several crisscrossing trips through...
A Series of Fantasy Novels
“Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed.” --G.K. Chesterton
Book Three: Verdant Horizons
Book Two Available Soon!!
Post 100 = Book One Paperback!!
Book One Published!
Book Two: Scarlet Trails
Missing Deadlines
Working out the Kinks
Epidemiology 101
Approaching the End of a Book
New Years Bring New Beginnings
A Brief Hiatus
Thoughts on Writing...
My Artist Sister
Book One: In the Company of Dragonslayers
And So It Begins...