Cora O'Banion, the Elder
Gramma Cora, as she is known by family, was born in the tiny nation of Carolan to a sharecropping potato farmer. Her childhood was spent...
A Series of Fantasy Novels
“Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed.” --G.K. Chesterton
Cora O'Banion, the Elder
Ch. 6: The Grottoes
The 13 Sects of Maker Worship
Ordin Austmil-Clay
Ch. 5: Unlikely Allies
The Sword of the Coast
Celindria Matherthorne
Ch. 4: A Pathway Cleared
Devin Rhynn
Ch. 3: Cer Halcyon
Ch. 2: Leaving Home
The Mythos
Cora O'Banion
My Artist Sister
Ch. 1: Disparate Beginnings
Prologue to Book One
Book One: In the Company of Dragonslayers